Reliable. Comprehensive. Trusted.

The Baltic Exchange is the world's leading source of independent maritime market data. Our information is used by shipbrokers, owners & operators, traders, financiers and charterers as a reliable and independent view of the dry, tanker, gas, container box and air freight markets.


The Baltic is committed in its approach to implementing and promoting adherence to internationally recognised standards of regulations to include the ISOCO Principles for Financial Benchmarks (IOSCO PFBs) and the EU Benchmark Regulation (EU BMR).

To find out more about the Baltic Indices, watch our video below.

b39 Years of benchmark production
Dry_FFA_Lots_Icon 3,053,321 dry FFA lots traded (2023)
Market Information


Daily independent assessments for the dry bulk, tanker, gas and container box  and air freight markets



The members of the various Baltic Exchange panels are competitive shipbrokers who do not invest in the markets they report and are free from conflicts of interest


Daily fixture and dry market reports, bunker prices and index updates


An Introduction to Baltic Indices

The Baltic Exchange is an FCA authorised benchmark provider, under EU Benchmark Regulation for the shipping markets. Our independent data is trusted by shipowners, charterers and shipbrokers. It underpins the freight derivatives market and is used as the basis for some physical contracts. 

Find out more... 

Watch our video

The Baltic Exchange works with a range of third party data providers including media outlets, quote vendors, independant software vendors and organisations providing analytical services.

Freight Derivatives

Baltic Forward Assessments

Baltic Forward Assessments are an estimated mid-price based on assessments submitted by leading FFA brokers at 1730 (London) covering the dry, tanker and gas markets

FFA Brokers’ Association

The Forward Freight Agreement Brokers' Association (FFABA) is an independent association of FFA broking Baltic Exchange members


Baltic products are listed by leading international clearing houses



200 index products are published every day

Dry bulk, tankers, LNG, LPG and Container box and air freight rates