Benefits of becoming a member of the Baltic Exchange

The Baltic provides a free dispute resolution and debt recovery service to members, helping to recover millions of dollars in late or unpaid commissions freight and arbitration awards as well as resolving disputes amicably, often negating the need for further legal action.

All members are entitled to have their input into the future development and direction of Baltic freight market information through the Advisory Councils that we operate for the market. Relevant members also have input via the FFA Brokers Association and panellist groups.

From individual presentations, to an international lecture series, professional development and in-depth academic-taught courses – the Baltic is committed to providing its membership with opportunities for on-going learning and education.

Members benefit from a 30% discount on all Baltic Academy courses

Baltic expert witnesses are appointed by solicitors and those in the legal community to give evidence at court hearings and arbitrations worldwide involving freight and FFA market disputes.

Buying or selling a vessel involves large sums of money changing hands and transactions are often extremely time sensitive. The provision of a trusted and independent Escrow service is a vital component of any sale and purchase agreement.

Members benefit from preferential fees when using the Escrow service.


From sports clubs and societies to industry forums, the Baltic organises more than 60 networking, business and educational events per year in global shipping centres


Members receive free access to Level 1 (Headline data) for all employees listed under their membership and access to the Baltic App.
Discounts are available for Level 2 (Full data) access
  • daily index and route assessments  
  • daily FFA forward curves
  • Dry bulk indices  
  • Tanker indices  
  • LPG & LNG freight assessments
  • Sale & purchase assessments
  • Vessel recycling assessments
  • OPEX assessments
  • Container box indices
  • Air Freight indices
  • Daily Fixture list & Market reports
  • Weekly bunker reports
  • Searchable fixture database  
People100 5,000 Members globally
Location100 5 International locations
Member Services


The Baltic holds a unique position of trust in the global shipping markets and offers an Escrow service to members for S&P and other transaction types.

Dispute Resolution

We help recover millions of dollars in late commissions, unpaid freight, demurrage, arbitration awards as well as resolving disputes amicably, often negating the need for further legal action.

Baltic Academy

From seminars for members on key issues to introductory courses on FFAs and Risk Management, members have access to a series of professional activities and training courses.

Membership Information

Apply for membership

Baltic membership has a wide range of benefits - from discounted access to Baltic data, a free dispute resolution service and discounted Escrow services

Free Trial

Take a free trial of Baltic data and experience the full suite of data products available including daily indices for all sectors, forward curves and much more

Expert Witness

The Baltic Expert Witness Association is made up of shipping professionals who are available for appointment to provide independent expert opinion for a wide range of maritime disputes. 

Shipping is a global business

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